

life's precious lesson
In the dance of life, a precious confession,
My soulmate taught me, in sweetest succession,
A gem of wisdom, a truth to hold tight, Loyalty, pure, in the darkest of night.

Through trials and triumphs, we stood side by side, In every storm's fury, in joy's gentle tide,

Their steadfast presence, an unwavering guide, Loyalty's essence, forever our pride.

Through laughter and tears, through the years that passed,

A promise unbroken, a love that will last, In loyalty's embrace, we find strength amassed,

An anchor in turmoil, a bond unsurpassed.For loyalty's flame is a beacon, a fire, It burns deep within, an unquenchable pyre,

In the heart of my soulmate, I find my desire, To cherish this lesson, to lift us up higher.

© Piaa