

Our Earth - Our Home...
She's been assaulted, Abused, Neglected...
She's been Used,Ripped apart, Destroyed...
Eyes open but they do not see her...
She speaks but they do not listen...
She whispers and they say It was just the wind...
She cries and they say it will pass...
She screams and they stopped for a moment...but, then continue On...
She reaches out her hand but they let it slip away...
She's drowning, suffocating but they refuse to see and hear...
She shudders, moves in strange ways gesticulations Unnatural...
Torrents never seen before...
She's been Drugged, Poisoned,
And then one day,
Her voice More forceful and thunderous
Begins to reverberate...
And a few hear the echoes and vibrations...
Some take notice
-Of the abuse and neglect
-Of her distress and suffering
"She's afflicted and needs Care"
They grow worried and troubled...
They begin to tend to some her needs.
But Wonder if it is too late...

Can she be saved?

Many come together...
Try to find the ways to nurture her...
Restore her to health...
While others say she's lying
She's fine and just a complainer...
That her wounds are exaggerated...
That some her issues are old age...
That people are making a big deal about nothing...
That we should just walk away from her...
Carry on like we did before...
They refuse to see her,feel her, listen to her...
Lies they say, She's a liar...
But others can't go back...
They can't retreat back into blindness, into ignorance...
For once they saw, felt and listened
-They can't Unsee...
It is with them...
And so the many are now ttrying, hoping and praying it is not too late
To save her...

For she's Our Earth, Our world,Our land and Our seas...
She's the air we breathe, The ground we walk On,
And She's the water of Life...

She's Our Home, She's living and breathing...
She Is,
Our Earth...
Respect Her,
Heal Her,
Love Her...❤

© Urs Krish