

In moments of bleak, smirk,
You wonder how it will work?
And of misery, roar,
Just like before
the chaos ,
before the good times went for a toss
Take chances and make up for the ones you've lost
Go for it and give it your all
no need to boast, lest you fall.

Strive for the best
as you pass the test
victory is yours
never settle for less

Great achievers never die cribbing
just as
Happiness doesn't come skippng
it is found
and once you do
don't let it go
or else you'll really lose ;
in life,in love
in heartbreak it gives you strength to emerge on top
it keeps you going
so find something to be happy about
and you will never have to
smile forcefully in the face of adversity
In moments of bleak,
your smirk will come automatically 😏

© la_diaz