

Beauty of her
When you've been struggling with
depression for years,
there's no healing.
Because you're not
mentally or emotionally strong.
You just exist,
waiting to disappear any moment.

'Depression isn't extreme sadness,
it's a clinical disorder',
that's what the therapist said all those years.
A disorder one went through,
from a young age.
A disorder created by:
Her childhood trauma
Her so-called adults
Her parents
Her abuser
Her pain
Her pills

When you've been struggling with
depression for years,
there's a hole.
The disorder created that hole
but one buries it up
with soil
and seeds.

It blooms,
to a fragile flower within thin soil,
on top of a hallow grounding.
Fragile but not weak
Thin but not loose
Hallow but not dead.
Her tears made
Her beautiful
Her pain made
Her glow
Her screams made
Her smile.
This is the Beauty of Herself.

© Frost hill