


Voices of deleruim in minds obnubilated
Concience created - visions of those mutilated
Witch craft possession - hexed upon those who hated
Inserted pins in voodoo dolls
Insert pain into envious souls
Nonchalantly - summon from scrying
Black cloaked vision ov clandestine
The witch - her spells be she casting
Whilst not too far - be the purring ov a black feline
The ol' clock be three a.m.
"Cursed be thou" - in silent voice sayeth she
Outside - Hecate's full eclipse
Raise a glass ov red unto her lips
O' what morn ov eerie
As afar - a soul be weary
Whilst hooded cloak - her eye's conceal
Such joyous sensations - ov wrath thus feel
Smiling - she whispers
"So mote it be!"
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