

"Those Once said Words"

Believe me or not my love,
you're still my One and the Once.
Not a change, without a chance
to None, you're always My Once.

In the end of November, in the
start of monsoon rain,
I saw you drizzling inside my heart
as the rain broke to pour,

You always got my best tries
and blush smiles,
you always got my handwritten letters
and busy times,

I was never this part of me
to anyone but you,
you unlocked a character in my
heart I never knew.

Those words of love,
those life of our livin' together
in the tapestry of time,
I never said those words
I said to you, to None.

You're my every beautiful things
and every lifeful things I breathe
out and in,

You're those Once said Words
of my soul and heart,
that I never thought of living
again, by saying to others.

"With you, Once Lived
is Lived Forever in Love."

© Isai