

I have stopped saying forever - That joke is a waste of breath
I have stopped saying forever because of the uncertainties I had before,
I do have you now, and in your azure eyes are where my brightest days reborn
And in your warm embrace when we awake at dawn,
Nestled in each other's arms - contented in the dark.
Your dreams are my own;
From here on, my life and yours are together sewn.

We could do the most mundane things, I won't complain
Or take me out some place where our idea of fun won't fade
And walk in the busiest street
Entertain ourselves with stories,
Questions and ideas we never get tired of pondering.
Or just stay in your room while you hold my hand,
Then you'll make feel like I'm the richest man;
Watch something that could make us laugh,
So for a moment we could forget that life is tough.

Whenever you're blue, whatever your proclivity,
If you dare ask me to worship thee
I will with blind religiosity.
Follow your commands,
And satisfy your every whim
Tell me your sickest fantasies, and I'll suffer them gladly.
I'll wear my blinders,
Remove the chip on my shoulder,
Tear me into pieces when you've got nothing to do -
Just send for me, and I'll come for you.

I've spent an awful lot of time doing nothing with my love,
I want you to seize it before someone else does.
"There are no chains for love," Ms. Callas quipped,
But if you're tired of running around,
All you have to do is let me take you in;
As long as your heart is only mine to hold,
My body and soul will never grow tired and cold;
If you're busy, I will patiently wait for you,
And stay in the storm till the sky turns blue.

I have stopped saying forever - that joke is a fucking waste of breath,
Shit happens one way or another,
Some words carry little weight, promises rarely kept.
So let's try to make this go on - may it never subside,
Keep me close to you for thousands of nights.
But if our stars don't align, and luck is not on our side
Keep one thing in mind:
I want to love you till I run out of fire,
Keep you burning till the day I expire.

© ajyoyama