

Mama Salone - Written by Naomi Kamara
Written by Naomi Kamara

Oh Mama Salone!
Your beauty seen miles off sea;
Your mountainous shape - hence Sierra Lyoa.
Striking in form, a glory for your children’s reputation.
Like roaring lions, your echo of beauty sounds.

We call thee Freetown! Land of the free!
A reminder of the shackles that once bounded thee.
From your breath, a land of milk and honey.
Your one true promise to all.

You, were West Africa’s Athens;
The world over to every end.
An inspiration to intellectuals;
You became the center of great interest.

Oh Mama! Mama Salone! How has thou fallen!
Fast and unbelievably deep in sorrow; - why so soften?
Your tears, scorching the earth - yet O Mama!;
Seem all lost for what you tried so hard to preserve.

Mama! Your children no longer united - divided as we fall.
Into an abyss of chaos and confusion - we crawl.
It’s so dark Mama! Your light no longer shining!
You silent even with all our whining’s.

Mama you say it’s a land for the free!
Yet our chains refuse to break Mama!
It’s a land you taught us to love.
Why is that love not enough mama?

Dear Mama!
Know we value the things you taught us to despise.
Greed and selfishness taking us to our demise.
See how low we have rubbed you Mama!
Even you have abandoned us Mama.

Mama the mama! Are you there?
Silent when the pure hearted call out from here.
"Mama! There is still hope,
For patriotism still flows in our blood.

Yes Mama, Sierra Leone will rise again!
Your prayers will not be in vain.
Wipe your tears mama.
We have not forgotten from whence we came.
© Naomi Kamara