

Everyday I open my eyes
I find myself still alive
Ya! it's tiring
But there's someone in my boring life...

Everyday I wake up
Hoping for a fresh onset
Hoping I can undo
The harm I've done to you...

Everyday it's the same
the same memories haunting me again
I never knew it'd come to this
This terror of losing ya is fatal indeed...

Basically I'm saying sorry
Sorry for my stupidity
If you find it in your heart to forgive me
I thank you with all my sincerity...

I look back at all our smiles and frowns
wondering how we made it through all the ups and downs
I never meant to hurt ya babe
Never want to cause you any pain...

I'm glad to have ya in my life
You've engraved yourself in my heart
You're the only one I want in my life
even if miles away
I'm yours just the same.