

Sometimes my personality doesn't allow me to see my own weakness, I learn to complain about very little and care about many.
I have no regret but accept, yes, mistakes do happen and at times those mistakes produce failure.
I was taught to always give my best and there is nothing that you can fail at!
But there are moments where the sun is too late rising and I fall...
I fall into the memories and thoughts that tell me to give up
And it manipulates me into believing hostility, power and incentive are the best answers to the problems of the world and when that happens...
You inspire me to think again, love, dream and hope again. When nothing else works and my shadow is no longer seen because I have become my shadow walking behind me
You inspire me to come to light and reflect on myself the best possibilities life has to offer.
And I do, because you inspire...you inspire me to be me.
I love you
© Reaper