

If only my 1wish could come true
I would have wished to meet this immense nature
I would have wished to greet this incense nature
to feel myself ,under its pleasant warmth
to heal myself ,under its blissful serene
I would have desired
to be graceful like a star
ruling on everyone's heart
to exist like incredible winds
flourishing on all around
nourishing all grounds
i would have wished
to be soo classic like this moon
to cool myself under its peaceful fume
i would have to be clear like dawn's sunshine
to see my reflection on every eye
I just want my hearts existence
like this natural nature
not like this bloody creatures #HUMANS
showing fake love
showing fake smile ,all while
but want to be like this
ecstatic, awesome, attractive, affluent, adorable, ethical NATURE

Write a poem that includes at least five from the ten words given: (You can use more words of your choice to complete.)
Wish, desire, heart, star, reflection, smile, existence, behold, serene, warmth.