

When you open your mouth we hear the voice of God
Book entitled
The vision,the word and salvation
Written by Apostle Bonifácio

Title:When you open your mouth,we hear the voice of God

Brethren,i wish to say "good evening to you my fellow Christians" but let it be a good morning,afternoon,evening or night,depending on your time.

I hope you are not ready to hear me saying that "I love you,and that I'm proud of you" because you already know that...the likes you send to me is an "Amen", truly speaking,you encourage me to write more the visions which the Supreme God shows me.

Be blessed in Jesus Name.
It is good to listen to the spirit of the living God,and also it's good to obey what it commands.

The spirit of the living God sent me to tell you what many people hesitate to tell you.

"When you open your mouth,i hear the voice of God",and as I say these words,my Father in high above rejoice.
Our letter is empowered by the word of Jehovah God,written on the book of Genesis 1:27,through His image we were created,therefore, humbly we shall do our best to imitate whatever He does.

The earthly beings preaches ungodly gospel,but the children of the God Spirit spread the good news from high above.

Truly,whenever you open your mouth,we hear the voice of the Creator of all things visible and invisible,and we recognize it,because he who deceives cannot imitate it...When it's God,everyone knows that it's God,even if is not everyone who obeys His laws.

Keep preaching,keep teaching,keep healing,keep saving lives,keep directing the sheep of the Lord to walk on this gravel road to heaven.

To walk on this freeway namely "Jesus Christ" have never been easy,but you are encouraged by Jesus Himself,keep moving forward,do not be scared of your daily struggles,it will pass,He whose Name is Yahweh,will be glad to see you stepping up to His Blessed Altar which you have shown someday.

God cares,Jesus too,therefore we encouraged you to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you always.

I am talking to you,maybe you don't understand my words,i said I am talking to you...heal the blind in order for him/her to see this freeway "Jesus Christ" for there's no other way which leads to a better place "Heaven",tell my people,not to be taken away from this way.

May the living God bless the words which you preach always.
Jesus lives and He cares about you and me.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen


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