

I stayed,
Even when others left.
I gave you hope,
When you had lost all.

I was the light,
Shining in your tunnel of darkness.
I knew you,
Right from when you were conceived.

I lingered,
When you chased me away.
I saw your tears, your despair,
I consoled and comforted you.

I saw your dark days,
A terror, that left you trembling.
I fought your uncertainties and doubts,
When the dark one threatened.

To make them your companion,
That pain, sorrow, suffering.
I witnessed it all,
I was that small, still, and gentle voice.

Reaching out to you in the midst of chaos,
A life in the wilderness.
I knocked on your door,
Willing for it to be opened.

That peace,
Flooding your very essence.
Beloved, I am with you always,
Even till the close of age.

© Segulah