

Till when are you gonna make it?
How is life treating you over there,
You have graduated, got your degree in hand,
Compeleted your NYSC, did your duty,
Yet the life you dreamt seems to be far.

Till when are you gonna make it?
It is a question we all want to hear,
Your dreams, your hopes, yet to be attained,
And the future feels damped.

Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to years,
You have been striving, giving it your best,
But the road is long, the journey is tough,
It feels like a stagnant river, not moving at all.

You have been facing the challenges, all alone,
Still, you are drowning in doubts and fears,
But deep inside, you hears the mind,
Telling you to rise above the tears.

Friend, don’t loose hope nor focus,
Keep it moving with all your might,
Success takes time, it is not a race,
Every step you take, put you ahead.

Life is full of challenges, unbalances and hurdles,
But each obstacle you face, will be a great turnaround,
So, take heart, for it is not the end,
Keep your head up, don’t loose the hope.

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