

An Answered Prayer
I still remember that night
When I asked God for a knight
A man who's closest to my heart

My buddy, clown and confidant
Who made my heart skip a beat
When we sit and talk at night

He made me feel so special
Pampered, not taken for granted
Even we just knew each other for a while

He had his girlfriend
And it made me jealous sometimes
But my love for him never dies

We continued seeing each other
Sharing secrets with one another
Which made our friendship grow deeper

Time passed by
They broke up
And I need to be there at his side

I cheered him up
Be there for him
Like what a friend does

Still I kept this secret in my heart
Until one day he said
He likes me more than a friend

It made me speechless
Uneasy and in blushed
Like a teenager who saw her crush

The experience was unusual
Then the courtship began
Like a fairytale one

I knew by then
When I decided to utter those magic words
Our story started its journey

Love is patient, always trusts and hopes
This is an answered prayer
To God I'll thank forever
