

My Parents
My parents used to fight every night.
They would argue and yell, even when they turned out the lights.
I would always cry on the inside only, male standards am I right?
They would say, “Oh son, every couple fights.”
Grandma and Grandpa never fought, their love had a glowing might;
Might stay together forever, or their love might float away like a kite.

My parents used to struggle financially.
They never wanted me to hear, but what I would hear scared me.
There was no guarantee of a house, only a maybe.
It’s been like this ever since I was a baby.

I would write songs and poems to help deal with stress.
I also applied myself to school trying to do my best.
I would let myself go, and look like a mess.
I focused on mind games like chess.
My parents would never settle for less.

I’ve grown into my early teens.
Yet my parents still act like a divided team.
Once I heard them arguing in my dream.
However, my parents did their best for me.
They would always take me out for ice cream.
They would let me watch R rated movies like Scream.

I love my parents

and my parents love me

© tmrf