

Blue eyes
Blue eyed soul,
As brilliant as stars,
Entered my world
When I forgot..

As sea tide surges with it's long silvery roll,
Comes with the twilight's roaming air,
The shine of the foam crashing the shores
On a moonless night ..
Feels like a piece of deep dark blue
You forgot aside
As you disappear into the ether
Each late autumn night . .

A figment of imagination
A smell of vanilla and rye
Fresh as wind rising from the cold new ice
Chilling the bones yet waking it up
Your blue eyes.. emating power.. defining lust
Of cold, warm welcome of one who is long lost in them ..

To the horizon and beyond the visible plains
Stolen once my heart , with terrible disdain
Of one who obtained everything
In whimsical refrain

In sparkling chilly snow fall
Away from my tropical plains
Blueness sweeps like you casted magic
In beauty and in pain
Drops of blood, deep red ,blike rust
Solidify as crystals covering my heart
When I reached for the bluenmoon
Too far above , and burnt myself of

Yet every summer you sing your lores
Tie the ropes to your shores
Post a winter of me untying them
Initiating out dance of dlumberous games
Converting a reluctant me to a follower
To every pain you inflict, for your name..

Yet I wonder as you wrap me around
Your finger and frame , every spring
As petals scatter the mist of winter..
Are you not afflicted by my black eyes too
That you cast your spell to call only my dues
Till the season turn and mist rise up
To take you back to your endless Iceland ..

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