

Move on..!!
At a point
You wish yourself

To be nothing but an elf
With powers and magic

To foster illusions
Create your ideal world

The fantasy will be kind
Until reality hits and be cruel

There's no escape
Time is short,look at your cape

There is nothing like forever
Friendships end whatsoever

Relationships break with uncertain
The scars and bruises remain

Emotions overwhelm but maintain
Hearts are meant to break

And people to dissapoint
Then past shall remain in past

What we fight is for the future
The story repeats like structure

Scars of pain remind us the past
Emotions may relapse but..

It's our ability to overcome and move on
That makes us survivors and live on

To Love and disappointed hurts souls
Hate and grudges kill souls

Forget and forgive each
Start a new page,life is meant to teach

© -Daud A.M ✍