

One More Star
The darkest white of your winter,
A flick of bleak when you sighed behind me,
Cause you thought the cold flakes slided from the pine,
And the star made from colour of clouds still wanna shine.
The ashes of fireplace are glinting with red abyss,
And how you used to make my place outta smoky window,
I longed for a bush of murk to conceal my pain,
Until I realised it's an eternal scartch whenever my tears overflow.
The sky inside your heart felt like home,
But even the shade of your love was something that can't be forgotten,
Oh baby my neon lights are still dancing in your wind's flow,
But the fluttering curtain photographed my frozen shabby shadow,
Baby why you locked me in the snow house knowing someday the melted voidness will burn me?
And baby why you hanged the key above the zenith knowing one day I have to face the reality?
Oh we entered we eclipsed and we escaped,
Oh we shattered we scattered but we still same,
How mesmerizing the misery you failed to burry under mistletoe,
Cause the lamp post never hide but highlight the gloom,
And putting dandelion on diamond glass cutter can't just overlap your flaw,
I starve and swim simultaneously in your lyrical lie,
Seeking warmth from the wool of your wave's foam till I die,
And even after knowing everytime dawn will knock my door you'll be blurred,
I'm still wishing for One More Star.

____By Molly