

Perfect Imperfections

You see the perfect hair,
the sparkle in the eyes,
the way the nose twitches while they talk,
the way the lips curve while they smile,
the incredible talents they show,
the perfect pronunciation they have,
the air of confidence they carry
and your heart beats.
You fall in love with what everyone sees.
You fall in love with perfections.

Well, I see how they miss a step and skip while walking,
I see how they mumble when they can't get a word right while talking,
I see how insecure they become around people twice their size and age,
I see how they just smile when they can't talk back to the people making fun of them,
I see how desperately they try to hold themselves together while facing challenges,
I see how they throw their "mmhmm"s and "aha"s in response to a conversation while their mind is elsewhere
and their eyes out of focus,
I see how they make little mistakes, big mistakes, silly mistakes
and my heart beats.
I see what everyone ignores.
I fall in love with flaws.
© 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖍𝖆