


The beacon of the wise to the epicenter
An experience makes an expert assertive
The beginning of a storyline in lyrical form
Jurisdiction which showcase its formal lines

Here comes the story of a Lannister
A Ploutos Kolossus liking to a star
Many deterred his star rising from dust
But his fate knows no bound, only see that as steps

Journey of a thousand mile started with thorns
An Express highway made of difficult stones
Path rugged and painful; never seen before
Walking on it was no taboo but dangerous to endure

The road was scanty , so dreadful to continue
All faces along this path have been very appalling
Blood stain and dried flesh; usual sight on its path
Focus is the only thing that keep them going

Sight of weary souls gasping for life; a norm
Dreaded sight of no relief, seen on this path
I wondered why sane people walk its path
Certainty lost in delusion on this thousand mile

200 miles ahead, was a smooth path that ended in luck
Found few men with brilliant smiles on their faces
An endurance walk into a glorious end ever wanted
There, I interviewed lots with different kind of stories to tell

The thousand mile; longest journey ever dreamt accomplished
Sigh of reliefs and self accomplishment, reward of endurance
A mix feeling,unforgettable struggle, strives and endurance.
The making of an hero in history go obscure but still hero emerge
© Sir Taitophil