


Words are lost somewhere,
Words are found somewhere,
In between dream and reality,
In the world of imagination;
Words are moving somewhere.
At midnight,
In deep silence,
The golden pages of the book
Whisper in the heart
To embrace the reality;
The conscience invites the conscious mind
To turn the pages
With dedication and true spirit.
Oh, Imagination !
I adore thy presence
In my beautiful dream.
Often we wander in the dreamland
To capture wonderful things.

I loved to look at the stars,
I loved to look at the moon,
In childhood,
I created a dreamland
In my imagination;
I am trying to put the dreamland
In my pen.
Close to my heart,
Stays the dreamland,
Which I imagined in my childhood.
As the day turns into night,
As the night turns into morning,
As the morning turns into day,
The vision of this beautiful dream
Captures my heart.
Like the smell of new books,
Like the touch of rain drops,
Like the innocence of sweet kids,
I open the door of happiness;
When in the mirror,
I discover my true self.

I love to dream,
I love the spirit of wisdom,
The forlorn words are discovered
In the wings of imagination
To create a beautiful heaven.
Like the stars and moon in the sky,
Like the oceans and rivers on the earth,
Like the morning sun rays;
I want to give creativity a new touch.
I would love to be
The worshipper of knowledge
Till my last breath.

© Archana Maharana (Lucky)

#poetry #philosophy
#dream #imagination