

Give Life A Chance
Friend, give life a chance.
Are you in this life by chance?
You're the kind, that humans don't understand,
and most folks can't stand, yet here you stand,
but friend, what do you stand for?

You didn't ask for it, but well, here it is,
and you're expected to make something out of it.
You make plans, but they all seem to slip
through your fingers like sand.
Time and time again, you try and try again,
wishing you could see what lies ahead
Cus life doesn't seem to be working,
and you're left wondering if it really worth it.

Is this life worth my time?
Is this life worth my breath?
Is this life worth my effort?
Is this life worth my self?
Is life worth living?
Is life with meaning?

You've got numerous questions,
but you won't speak out cus it seems nobody listens.
You started to think you don't need nobody to hear you,
You try to convince yourself you need nobody near you.
But that's far from the truth,
you still desire to meet someone who
feels the same as you, or at least would
understand and relate to you as you.

So friend, give life a chance.
There's more to life than time and chance,
There's more to life than what meets the eye,
There's more to life than breath and sighs,
There's more to life than love and hate,
There's more to life than grief and pain,
There's more to life than sunshine and rain.

Friend, give life a chance,
Don't drown in folly and ignorance.
Multifold are the things humans don't comprehend,
Yet they overpraise their intelligence.
And they tend to reject what they can't apprehend,
But you, take a moment to consider your balance.

Friend, give life a chance to bring you to life.
Give life a chance to keep you alive,
Give life a chance to relief you in life,
Give life a chance to remix your life.

So friend, would you give life a chance?
Life is truthful,
Life is purposeful,
Life is meaningful.
Miss not the chance to live.

© IcheMan