

just shine
Ride forth against the tide,
Rise above the surf of challenges,
Welcome every sunrise with a vision,
Send off every sunset with hope
A greater day awaits tomorrow
the light shines on you for you
the darkness that prevails now is just but an illusion
meant to keep you from sight
But you, never to be hindered see
even with your eyes closed
visions are never out of sight
A dreamer you are
A beautiful and delicate dream
that lingers on your mind like a phantom
you are the epitome of grace
the embodiment of light
so shine darling shine
the stars cannot hold a candle to your beauty
the moon cannot only be laid and your feet
the sun dims to your grandeur
time will revel who's greater
for you move with the waves and the clouds tear to make you shine
And tonight when all else holds their breathe for you
just shine
Ms. Kuria
© Ms.Kuria..