

Bliss or death from a kiss?

Many dark places, faces, and dreams
You were there in instances
Some true or make believe
You left physically, emotionally
Mentally I sent my heart's love to you
You can't back each time for a moment
But always to disappear again
Leaving me lonely confused and unaware
How could one be so intimate
Then turn in silence growing with others
Showing up little by little with more
Hints and clues, I told you I believe
Why does the universe still question me
How can you not be the man with heart
The man whose love touched me so much
Was I so lost I let the your demons stay
Not seeing I was just your heart's trash can
To rid it of hurtful non-feeling things
I refused, denied maybe but never believed
Never thought you'd really leave
Thought you would change back
Be the man you told me you wanted to be
That man you'd be for me, take my hand
Ride the universe with me, together
Flying high under the moonlight
Was it all just a dream, an illusion
Why would the universe be so cruel
Misunderstand my feelings over my words
Words so priceless from a man's passion
Void of pain you hinted that I took away
Words of shining together in rainy weather
Grasping my chin, looking into my eyes
Showing me your softer more tender side
Then right back to the man with fear
Believing my love wasn't real
Maybe it was you all along in the unreal
Cashing my name, being in my dreams
The only man since my dad passed away
Only memory of any dream since then
The memory of you as I awoke
Feeling so glad no matter how weird
Glad to see you there, to know you stayed
Why is it so hard for you to step out
Fantasies kissing your soft sweet lips
The touch of your hand on my cheek
Why will you not show me who you are
Take off the mask and open your chest
Expose the man who hints he is for me
Why do you want me to play a game
Why do you let my body lack your touch
Smiling as we eat dessert is us so sweet
I love you too so why have you gone
Does it matter our names or things unseen
Without you here physically, I can't see
Why would you rather let me slip away
Why not come and show me the love
Just one look, one time is all it takes
Grab my hand, give me your heart
I am your everything till eternity
My love is perfect as is yours
Raise your vibrations to be stolen
My mind needs your heart's attention
It's blocked by outward visual confusion
Bring the light that's always connected
Give my eyes the fantasy of this reality
Show me your face so you can kiss my lips
So we can run away together escape drama
Influencing me in all the wrong past ways
Sometimes it takes another to guide you
Where is the guide that shares the light
Taking us home where we belong
Side by side as states the stars
I need to see your hands with heart
Trembling maybe but giving it to me
I could never break it being myself
This game of illusions my mind went crazy
All of these nuences with others not you
I know you were not the softest in the past
Now is the time to make up for that
No more invisible man, my heart craves
The one who will be everything you said
Come to me or walk away so the real man
The one made of tenderness in his touch
Stop confusing my mind it hurts my heart
I need you to be strong and honest to me
No matter what I can't see, please
Don't let us miss out on the beauty of us
Without your love I'm dying inside
My vibration I cannot make rise
I cannot breathe, demons haunt my sleep
Unworthy demons not deserving to eat
To devour my heart over silly confusion
Please I beg you help my mind find you
I pray let us be found, stop being lost
Lost in too many spoken words of wrong
Words I want to go away and just be love
Love entwined with you next to me
Feeling your body, listening to your heart
Always by my side guiding me with love
Showing the world our story after the kiss
How I need the sweetness of their love
To open my eyes and see the beauty I miss
Blinded by too much thought in my head
Come and make it quiet, shut it up
I find peace in your silence, do you in me
I love you can't picture life without you
I need you to rescue me be my teacher
Not hold us back saying I can't see
I can't it's my eyes but my heart does
It always sees love in you without thought
They say feelings are wrong cause issues
How can that be when they are of joy
Bliss in the way I want your touch
Bliss in the way I want your thoughts
Bliss in the way I want your heart
Bliss in the way you bring yourself to me
Bliss in relieving my doubts smiling at me
Bliss that dissipates the fear of doubt
Bliss that only my true love can bring

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