

The story of my sister's regret (Original: Contains crude lines)
@Tafii #Realstory

Author note: Before I begin the poem, I just want to clarify that there are some crude lines here that may or may not, hit somebody emotionally that is meant to fit in the context of the said story and not to cause harm to anyone.

So there is this guy I'll never forget
It was my sister's neverending regret
It was an angel, a boy or a girl?
The first meeting
is where her world
Began to twirl

I remember her saying
It was all an act
But I never imagined
The pain would last

A frame up from the guys he had been with
Without her consent , she fell into abyss
Deceived, Tricked, Lied upon
A betrayal as violent as an acid pond

Her back open from the knives of them
Remember the friend you were with back then?...