


Dreams come and go from one aspect to the next bringing anything from encouragement to disappointment depending on the circumstance... driving out insecurities by meditating throughout the day... making sure attainable goals are made to accomplish tasks towards dreams view... focusing on what's best for self rather than what everyone else wants for you... stepping out on a limb as creativity begins arriving into sperts of uncontrolled waves surrounding surfaces until back in sinking sand drowning in sorrows... dusting off particles of failure along times travel... standing at oceans front ready to dive back in... allowing emotions to reside only for a little while... dawning of a new day... taking strides forward towards honey suckles pleasure... radiating positivity as lessons are learned a long the way... taking on a new set of dreams as they're constantly changing... accepting the challenge set out to achieve... never making promises for tomorrow may hold a brand new destiny... learning compassion towards self amongst lifes formed possibilities... always remembering to keep your on the prize... spreading wings far and wide... flying over the rainbow of scattered dreams... fulfilling spacious encounters of growth...
© Brandi N. Willard