

Walking in the dark
Just let me be selfish for a while
Let me be happy while I can
Is that too much to ask?
Is it? Just tell me...
Is it?
I look back and get caught up in your promises
I know I shouldn't dance with fire
But yet the flames.... Your flames drew me in
They danced with me and brought me some form of solace
Wrapped me up and burnt me

You tied me down
Cut me off from the essence of reality
All that was left was the presence of your immortality
Made me believe your lies and manipulation fit me best
On high horses I rode because I was blinded by the "love"
Dressed me up in the apparel of your deceit
I almost never stopped to think about the missing plots
Roped me up in your lies and got me carried away by your words
Like a poet you swayed and slayed me with your words
I was a fool to play make believe like we were dolls
Dreams upon dreams I had all packed away for storage
I put them all in a box, sealed from the world
Hopes and expectations we created now stored away in a chest
Auction!! Auction!!
Highest bidder takes it all
Don't you see how bright our stars shined

I thought I'd never wake up from this nightmare
The longer I stayed the more I felt dragged under
I always wondered what was to be found if someday I went searching
Maybe I'd wake up
You know come to my senses
I'd search that chest
I'd pull out what's left in that box
I'd dust up old memories we'd held in frames
The young people we held in chains
All the pain we held in our hearts
Pictures taken in the heat of the moment
A time when the love was ablaze
When we met at the eastside
I hope some day we'll laugh about these days
Auction! Auction!!
Highest bidder won