

True Love

Love me not for the colour of my hair
Love me not because I am dark or fair
Not for what you see on my face
Or for my caste, creed or race
Love me not for the riches I own
And not for the dress I daily adorn
Love me not because you like my smile
Or when we haven’t met in a while

Love me not for the car I drive
Or you think for us I will daily strive
Love me not for the songs I sing
Or for the joy my presence might bring
Love me not the way I hold you tender
Or the love in poetic words I render
Love me not that we daily meet
And lost in our eyes the food we eat

For such love though fairly won
Would one day be surely undone
When would wane the comfort you sought
You would hate to be my consort
The day my face when riddled with crease
Your love for me, would then decrease
My wealth, my words if I lose one day
Our love, my dear, would then lose its way

Love me when you wake up each day
To find the sunflowers gently sway
Love me when your chores are done
And you enjoy the splendour of the setting sun
Love me in the darkness of the night
When it is time to sleep, peaceful and tight
And Love me at all times between
Your love defines, what love does mean

Love me when I fill your mind
And our love you sense, of a special kind
Love me when from the bottom of your heart
You feel the pain when we meet and part
Each day, each hour, each moment you feel
My presence within you, from head to heel
And when to love me, no reason you need
That my dear, is true love indeed.