

Voice of the Broken-Hearted
I can still smell your fragrance on the sheets;
Memories etched in my sleep
You are there when I close my eyes;
And gone when I open them to behold reality
Everything hurts and I feel nothing;
Nothing works, I've tried everything
Like the nectar of a delicate sunflower;
My core has been yanked away
Smiles and words are empty gestures
A thing of formality... I am but a shell
I don't know the person writing these words anymore;
The beautiful being I once was has transcended
A colorful world calls out to me but I can't respond
All I have is this pain; it offers me comfort
A promise of redemption if I just wobble closer
It offers me a suckle from its cherry bossom, I cannot say nay
When I'll do just about anything to feel again
Just once...
Just this once
Suddenly...I'm numb
© Grey Wrld
