

I lay on the ground and sank in the grass

And smiled at the warmth of the morning Sun

I gazed upon the azure sky so vast

I never knew it could be this fun

Morning glories crept along the fence

Roses added beauty to the lawn

Mockingbirds sang and bumblebees danced

To this garden I would forever be drawn

Viscous clouds leisurely drifted across the sky

Wind blew gently and trees slightly swayed

How I wished that this heaven would never die

But alas those wonders were already starting to fade

I told the Sun to stay there for ever

But alas there must be parting for every lover

The Sun's leave left my whole world gloomy

As there was no sunlight to delight me

Suddenly gray clouds began to gather

And day got gloomier than ever

Roaring thunder after lightning bolt

Frightening yet a sight to behold

Drops of water came falling unto Earth

Streaming down my cheeks to dilute these tears

Then it started pouring, sparking fear

Forcing this flesh and bone to seek shelter

Soon the rain stopped once Earth had quenched its thirst

And came the night shift

Darkness after darkness

Was it the blur in my eyes or the lack of light to perceive?

Where was the light that once filled me with happiness?

Why do wonders have to cease?

In the midst of the midnight blue sky

The moon shone upon me with the light reflected by the Sun

Eye to eye, moon and I

I never knew it could be this fun

The stars were lightyears away in the unfathomable

Yet from here they were very much visible

Adorning the empty skies

Feasting these famished eyes

Illuminating skies that were dim

With their ever so dazzling gleam

So beautiful, so brilliant

Worth words a million

I lost track of time gazing into infinity

But I had no idea what I was seeing really

Perhaps nothing but pure beauty

And mystery piquing my curiosity

A sudden thought then struck me

One day

When I would have to answer the call

I could no longer witness this all

Which made me realise

The Sun, the clouds, the grass

The moon, the wind, the stars

And me...

None of these ever last


A thing is not beautiful if it does
© rexfaisal