

Life Cycle
Helping someone is a beautiful Cycle.🤝 ⛓️ To you, it may seem like a small Act of Kindness in the moment.
To the other Person, it makes them Feel Worthy.
In turn, they help othersAnd the Virtuous cycle continues.
It is the same intention of Kindness that you started with,😌 that comes back to Help you when you need it the Most. And you won't even know how!!
Help, because you may need one day.
Help not only is in money .
Help someone understand a subject.
Help someone cross road.
Help someone who try to lift.
Help Someone in bus give seat.
Help some buy giving bread biscuits rice.
Help some giving writing applications.
Help some one get job by referring.
Help motivated.
Give water to Thirsty people.
Give dress to needed.
Support in someone life to complete education by buying books ,
paying one term fees.
Help elderly people in giving hands.
Supporting the needful for a marriage.
Donate Blood to save life.
During flood heavy rain help in rescue operations.

© KaviSnehidan