

Isn't It Worth It?

When you first said that to me
My first thought was of you and me.
Is the juice worth the squeeze?
To be with you I'd do anything.
I know it sounds so cliche
So ask me of anything. Okay?
But I mean you never ever, ever ask
The reason I always be kissing your ass
I mean yah got curves that flabbergast
Just like on a country back road
Doing 90 our hearts in our throats
Faster and faster in attack mode
Not once you tell me to go slow
So I rev it like a chainsaw
So hard till you get off
I smile and look up at you
Spent, you half smile back at me
Now you know what time it be
My turn, yes my turn
And babe I love when we slow burn
Like we have to be silent
No noise but my moves still violent
Then you whisper in my ear
That thing that's not true but I love to hear
Just like that it's all over
Very satisfied we lay together and roll over

That little short story description there
That's the best thing in the world, yeah
What'd I wouldn't do to have that one more time
Not a whole lot comes to mind

The winds of change are in the air
Please, my love, don't be scared
I'm one tough motherfucker
There's a reason I'm still here
And this week will bring new things
Not scared cause I've got people supporting me
It means the world to me
How tough you really seem to be
The going gets tough yah don't check out
That goes a long way about with me
Says a lot about your character
You I always want in my perameter
You're a really tough cookie,
So many attributes that suit me
Y'know I think aboutwhat our kids be like
They'd be amazing Im sure we'd find
Just wanted to let you know
Just how far my thoughts do go
As always I could go on and on
But let's wrap up this marathon 😘

© Wiard Ideas