

My One and Only
You are my one and only.
You are my safety.
You are my compassion.
You are my comfort.
You are love.
From head to toe,
from flesh to bone,
from mind to heart,
from body to soul,
you are my companion.
Alongside you I would walk over mountains,
Ahead of you I would wait forever,
and behind you I never wish to be.
Beneath you I long to lie,
to be caressed by your gentle hands.
You have a ways about them,
a gentle femininity,
It works its way into your words like a bleeding heart.
I take each and every letter into account.
We have a long road ahead of us,
But youthful tenderness is a blessing far more than a curse, and such longing only makes me love you more.
For you are my person,
My one and only,
My guiding force,
My routine,
My bared sanity,
I am to drive a stake into the heart of doubt,
who’s shriveled corpse ever dares enter our dwelling.
I know not what I would do anymore without you,
for your light has burned bright enough to sear away the false parts of me.
It is a truth I am happy to accept.
What remains is purposed for you,
for us.
Because you are my love,
My one, and forever, only.