

A Poem of Patience
When I chase what I think I'll gain,
Days turn to stress, a fiery strain.
Yet, in the calm, a peaceful space,
What I need finds me, at its own pace.
I learn that what I seek, desires me,
Searches for me, draws me to it, see.
A hidden truth, a secret deep,
For those who grasp it, a treasure to keep.
In patience's realm, where worries cease,
A path unfolds, leading to release.
No longer bound by frantic might,
I find my way, bathed in gentle light.
The universe conspires, it's true,
To bring me what I need, anew.
A lesson learned, a truth revealed,
In patience's embrace, my spirit's healed.
So let us pause, and wait with grace,
For what is meant to find its place.
In stillness lies a power vast,
A gift of peace, forever cast.

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