

waiting for You..
If you ever want to find me
just look for me in your insides
because I live in every single cell
of your body and in every beating of your heart ...

Look for me in your footsteps
because as your shadow I am
always by your side ...

Feel me in your fragrance
because I live in your scent eternally

Hear my voice ringing in your ears with my thoughts on your mind, because even though
I am far away you can hear and feel me like your second skin.

Look for me in the dark cold nights
because I will be for you the brightest star,
the most beautiful, and I will forever illuminate your life with my love

If you still cannot find me...
look for me in the depths of your soul

That is where I have lived from time unknown ....

And will continue to live till the end of time.
I will be waiting there to Be with You forever and ever till eternity..