

The Silver Mirror
A silver mirror kept in my room,
showcasing everything in an impartial way,
It lights everything with it's silver gloom,
when it gets hit by the golden sunray...

I feel my face, my hand tracing lines in my skin as I blink back tears.
Scars run up and down my face,
the result of a near fatal ice skating accident

A Silver Mirror in my room,
it's light falling on my skin.
Warm rays dry my tears,
as a smile lights my face.

I straighten my back,
give the mirror a nod,
and whisper to myself how beautiful I am.
I belong, and my scars make me me.

A Silver Mirror in my room,
showcasing everything in an impartial way,
a drip of golden sun,
a ray of light bouncing on my skin,

My journey to love myself feeling closer
day after day,
this little Silver Mirror bringing gloom,
but also light and bueaty.
© Adaiah