

We Where Born to Dream!
Yes! We were born to dream -
We always look forward to something
We imagine the potential of things
Things that we are going to do!

We were born to dream -
Dream of tomorrow's horizons
Next weeks meetings with friends
The end of our prison sentence!

We were born to dream -
Driving to see the kith & kin again
Over the weekend and next month
Being with others to laugh with!

We were born to dream.
Now all our dreaming is interrupted
No idle pondering of what is next
Nothing. Nothing to dream about!

We were born to dream -
But we cannot plan the future now
Because others are doing it for us
Their decisions for us are not ours!

We were born to dream.
Take away our dreams and we cry
Depression hits us & we feel empty
We get sick not from a virus or flu!

We were born to dream -
Our minds love the past-time
Of playful pondering in possibilities
But now there's just a mistiness...

We were born to dream!

Indiana Sunday 3rd May 2020