

A Land of Theirs and Mine
To start my job that was anew,
I lacked a document.
What I required was not at home,
The courthouse to, I went.

Annoyed and waiting in the crowd,
The room, it got real quiet.
Then, without a second spent,
I saw a wondrous site.

Standing all proud to take an oath,
A family did impart.
Reciting oaths to serve this land,
The right hand on their heart.

Renounce the nation they once knew,
Keep safe from those abroad,
And take up arms with you and me,
They pledged so help them God.

Some pictures took, as I recall.
Their life before, unchained.
Their pride and grace infected all.
Big smiles were not contained.

I never pledged, I must confess,
To serve another land.
I live here blessed upon by birth.
A fate no soul can plan.

When I do wander in this land,
I hope to see them fine.
Oh God, please bless them in this land,
A land of theirs and mine.