

Not Me!!
Why does my mind always feel like it’s cursed?
I always feel like I’m at my worst!
Always ready for my anger, anxiety, and depression to burst!

Everyone thinking I always look happy but that’s not quite true!
Hard to describe what my head goes through!
Feels like my mind is alwaya being split in two!

I’d love to have days of feeling normal again if even only a few!
I’m the same person everyone once knew!
Always screaming inside and always feeling blue!

I’m sorry for all of the other people who struggle the same way I do!
Happiness I feel like I’m finally due!
Are all my chances at being normal the chances that I blew?

I feel like I’m a lost cause in my own head but honestly have no clue!
Would love to go away somewhere with a beautiful view!
Sometimes often wish I could leave this life clearly in the rearview!

In my mind is my life just taboo?
Somethings in the past I wish I could go back and undo!
I only wish I knew in this life my cue!

Sometimes I wish I didn’t exist to a degree!
Sometimes hate how life has went down & know it’s not my cup of tea!
My life I’m willing to pay that fee!

Sometimes I feel I’m better off if people just left me alone and let me be!
How to save myself on the inside I need to know the answer to know the key!
I’m sorry if some people don’t feel how I feel and disagree!

I’m so invisible that I’m someone nobody cares to see!
There are people out there who feel the same and with my thoughts they’d agree!
Yes I often wish this life of mine I could disappear and flee!

Never thought as a kid I’d ever grow up feeling so worthless a feeling I couldn’t foresee!
When I’m at rest I wonder if I’ll finally feel happy and smile with glee!
I’d really like to and love to know what it’d take to finally feel free!

Most people seem pretty happy with their lives & mine isn’t the worst but inside my crippled mind that’s just not me!
© BDawg90