

I’ll be back before too long/…in line with a soldier
I started thinking
while in line with a soldier
that I’m really counting, filing bullshit that don’t matter inside my head, thinking ‘bout lunch, pussy, good weed.
I been thinking about me and you
Stopping the world
panic, glitter goes into the air
like an only phone call prayer
it’s all I can remember
standing on the edge of nothing
I guess pushed come to shovin’
shoving off back to the big house
for not minding the rules
I’m back I’m barely drunk I left the last place I was last night and I’m moving in tomorrow with them and go week to week from there.
I’m flat outta cash but back on the road, thru east Europe, Bangkok and now Tokyo.
Have you ever been to a whorehouse in Bangkok?
I can’t find my keys
the sun is almost gone
did someone put something in my drink
been waiting for years on that one.
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