

Can't Be Good At Everything
No matter what I do
No one can take my love
I still can't seem to get it right
I pray to God above
Emotions help my lose my way
When I'm not feeling loved
We were in a living nightmare
And fighting everyday
I always said I had to work
So I could run away
My son He got a shitty hand
I didn't even play
I was barely ever there
And when I was
I was high that day
I think about our wedding day
And things we didn't do
I was supposed to be your Man
But wasn't there for you
I think about my kids
And all the time we lost
How I've been out here stuck in Hell
I surely paid the cost
Failure as a dad
I didn't even try
Failure as a husband
I was busy getting high
I want to say I'm sorry
But instead I said goodbye
I used to hold it in
Now I'm not scared to cry
It's okay to let someone know you care
And give a little love
Help somebody down and out
And give a hug instead of shove
It's a shame that it took me so long
To finally learn this stuff
For years I played the tuff guy
I'm really not that tuff
But I made my bed
And should be dead
So you won't see a tear
The only way for me to talk
I hope that you can hear
I really really miss you guys
I'm sending you my love
Untill the day we meet again
I pray to God above
© 2023 Stephen George