

Data Batch
In the realm where algorithms dwell,
Where patterns hide, and insights swell,
There lies a craving, insatiable thirst,
For data's embrace, a treasure to burst.

Complexity weaves its intricate spell,
In the tapestry of problems, where secrets dwell,
The algorithm seeks a guiding light,
To decipher the shadows, uncover what's right.

Data, the essence, the key to unfold,
The mysteries hidden, the truths untold,
But how much is needed for wisdom to sprout?
To train the machine, remove shadow of doubt?

The answer elusive, a puzzle untamed,
It varies and shifts, never the same,
Yet more oft than not, abundance prevails,
A reservoir vast, where discovery trails.

For in the realm of learning's grand abode,
A surplus of data lightens the load,
Capturing patterns in richness profound,
Guarding against overfitting, where dangers abound.

But context dictates, it holds the sway,
Some algorithms thrive with a modest display,
While others demand a generous array,
To unveil their potential, to sway and to sway.

So heed this advice, when venturing through,
The vast expanse of data in your view,
Ensure representation, each category's delight,
To foster comprehension, make biases take flight.

For data, my friend, holds the power divine,
To shape the algorithms, intricate, fine,
Together they dance, hand in hand,
Revealing the truth, across the land.

So cherish the data, in all its might,
Let it guide algorithms, in wisdom's light,
And as they march forth, their paths intertwine,
Unveiling the future, where possibilities shine.
© Cosmicbeing