

Kissing Away
The fears are onboard
I need you here
And you are away, heart at discord
I closed my eyes and
You are here by my side
Down my cheeks your hands glide
How your eyes comfort my pain
How you listen my every complain
Your breath entangled with
The beats of mine,
Making me on you incline
I know this moment you held me close
And a memory I shall never bid adios
The ways by which lips just fit define
Our bond that is so divine
Kissing away all the tears
It is already late, you have wasted years
Opening the eyes a reality strike
You weren't here cries the psyche
Tears are still wet on cheeks
A story long and lost bespeaks.

© Soni

pic credits:Pinterest

#wavesofwait #Poetry #poetsofinstagram #Love&love #love #Dream