

The Pandemics village
Bold strokes of a confident hand,
The painting is a masterpiece,
Executed as planned...

But not as the plan of the artist's hand.

As the artist began the first stroke,
He was envisioning lovely vibes,
Even as he listened to his hearts note..

He made sticky notes of mysterious vibes,
Something that he continues to feel in times,
Inspired by the the truth that the universe shares throughout his strides..

Up and down does as strokes his brush,
While old love ones constantly fuss...

Let it go,
You lit wh#$#,
cause you are all mouth without a soul...

He begins to pound the brush hard,
As he is boosted the the raging charge...

Why me internally stated,
And why not me the universe related...

He chuckle,
Buckles up,
As he places the brush in the colored filled cup....

Only painting with black and gray,
Which is the colors of what is felt by what he's been told...

Yet has a heart of gold.

How will this painting unfold,
For its portraying many stories that are untold.

Maybe he has some good ideas,
Maybe he don't,
Yet nobody knows,
Because no one really wants him to show or shine,
Creating his own original shows.

© Bazilisk49