

Snowflake Ballet

Just a a few flakes began
Dropping down from the sky,
A signal of a joyful time
For each child’s watchful eye.

Oh so gently blew the wind,
Coaxing crystal clear flakes
From white, pillow-like clouds
Where winter slowly awakes.

Making more morning smiles
As young children did arise
From their warm beds
To see snowflakes from the skies.

Heavily loaded down
With many a crystalline form
They seemed to dance for joy
The second they were born.

Could pirouettes have been
Invented by these guys
That tumble and twirl gracefully,
Transfixing our eyes?

Alas, the display did finish,
Too soon it must be said;
Still, every winter’s night
Children often raise their head

In eager anticipation,
Wishing that, perhaps it would be
On that very night when
One more snowflake ballet they would see.

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