

New Year And Death's Near
This new year,
Let my past be there,
I was broken tumbled dried,
In a street of hopeless,
I left the pavement to walk on footpath,
Where a cycle hit it's passenger,
The fight broke like dogs snatching scavenger,
Nowhere to hide please dig that sky up high,
I gotta smoke some weed for another light,
Drawing some SOS in that sky,
Immature beings never understood why?
Now another day wasted,
That same damn penny comes unwanted,
Had a doubt why sky so gray,
Maybe just my eyes feel tired of all these beautiful grace,
Never had a peaceful break,
The winter jumps in as soon as my results break,
I had to ignore stress,
But he likes me best,
So i never fancied the rest,
I just danced to it's caress,
Now i smell the shroud,
Sometimes feeling the smooth cloth,
Like i loved it long ago,
Now i think i got to wear the best cloth,
This fits me good when i am all alone.

© Shafi