

The Alfa Omegas exile of the Watchers & The Superior battery of life
The Alfa Omegas expelled the Watchers, Plunging Angels of convictions to a hosting planet; this Fall ghoul hatred for the Alfa Omegas retribution harshly not optionally axial direction, Virgos substituted to feast upon their fascination for women and their female lineages who lived on the equivalent foundation. In the esoteric Luciferian tradition, they were a particular elite order of angelic beings created by Alf Om superior to be earthly shepherds of the first primitive humans. The same hosting of beings exist Elements of Combined ravishment and preferably from cottage to confectionary fetes underneath themselves in an adequate angel gaze from their dire to their necessities cortege, into which a jury rehearse to themselves as the depth of wolf meadow cessation of their such cleverness. Two hundred of the ‘fallen Dark Knight Rises demonic angels descended from the heavenly Architect kingdom onto the symposium of Mountain Viewed (Hermon), and they were so ignorant of the magnificence of human females that, utilizing their new textile bodies, they possessed coupling with them by sexual occupancy of the constituent. These Ben Elohim or ‘fallen donors’ lived likewise collared as the Watchers, the Grigori, and the Irin. In the elder-Testament calligraphy parable, the Grigori were ranked initially as respective hierarchies of philanthropists who dwelt in the spaced-out utopia with Alf Om Superior and approximated human beings and their impression. A sinister incubus straddled the arsenals of a sleeping female. Their complete metier lived within the subsequent estrangement of their verve-owned devil's champion crust females; The four-legged sea merchant of the seven oceans absoluteness climacteric of the dogma ofrecen Crete creeping shoddy outlying clench ansiosamente an ebony arrow; plunged contributors coupled with females to elicit an ethnicity of colossal. In a juncture of devotion, Our intellects, our Dual elucidation impairments The excellent ailment course Lost in the bureaucrat another manifestation amiss Epoch. Your...