

I was in a bubble, round and helpless.
watching my world go by.
I am in the clear, of those that can't stand.
Here standing on my balcony, chaos begins.
I never knew what was around me, but I still wasn't blind.
outside my childish views inside my bubble I stood.
I never got outside my bubble, so I thought I was safe.
But despite all that, I witnessed those demons in shed of a human skin.

I never knew. . . that I would be helplessly watching from afar, while the world that I knew was in flames.
but I asked myself-
"When did I got outside my bubble?"
I thought that the world, called planet earth was holder of peace of human kind.
But it wasn't, it was for those who knew how to dressed it as "dream come true".
I realized that we are all in a helpless bubble, full of regrets and fear.
Aren't we the same?
Aren't we humans?
Aren't we equal?
Don't we deserve the same rights?
so I thought. . .

Since when I was so blind, I knew the word but never the definition.
People are dying and for what cause?
My skin is not black, but it doesn't take another human being to know that we should LIVE the same rights!.
I want my children to know better, not because of the color of our skin but because on how we act as a human being.
I know I am young, so no matter what I do, it will not bring anything to light or to justice.
So please, stay safe.
Let just be us.
Why is that so much to ask.
History will only be repeating itself as a vicious cycle, we really need to put an end to this.
In the end of the day, we hold the same red blood inside our bodies.