

The Tale of Spring
With the whimsical wheezes of a fairy winterland
Arrives the spring cosing the sanctity of its blossomed garlands
Cherishing the parodying summers in its shrouded shelters
Blemishing the frozen haze to the warming sun
She smittens the wavering tides to the heavenly blues
Raising the wilderness into a woodland for fun
Unfurling the radiant charisma of her hues
She blinks to the eternity of a thousand kissed moons
With the honeyland of bees collecting nectar from every bloom
She shimmers her lips with the tapestry of tulips
Caressing the spring sunshine from their tips
She harbors the eloquent glow of a fresh new breeze
Budding hopes of a farmland which once ceased
She is the orb of a blue moon seen once a while
Riding the sparkling bow on the clouds with a smile
Like a sunflower humping the meadows to bask with the butterflies
Cheering the skittish squirrels soothing the silhouette of the blossomed tree
She is beauty lying in every daffodil and the daisies
The mother of all seasons,the destiny of all desires sailing the spring to flee.
© ayushelusive